On October 1, 2023, at the annual conference organized by the American Monetary Institute (AMI) the Indian sister organization Money Reforms India (MRI) made a presentation titled “The Indian Monetary Scene“. MRI founder and director Sumal Raj and Govert Schuller cover the monetary scene in India. Govert starts with GDP, demographics, and the public and private banking history of India. Sumal follows talking about the 70 member Facebook membership and the push since 2013 for a sustainable monetary paradigm, and their use of the Right To Information Act (RTI) to request from the Reserve Bank of India a 2014 Bank of England-like document on money creation and the overall monetary system. Govert follows up presenting statistics on monetary literacy worldwide including India, the CBDC push in India with details about 1.3 million people in a pilot program, and finally the growing inequality of wealth in India.


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